30 September 2007

New must-have-lists to add to GTD

I gather inspiration and ideas from all the people I work with.
Two great list additions has come up, that I am sure will help you.

The first is a project summery list, where you write

  • The name of the project

  • Who gave you the project

  • The date you got it

  • The date when you started it

  • The current state, (analysis, tested, passed on to xyz, finished)

If you are waiting for someone to test/approve you work

  • Who that is

  • When you gave it to that person

  • The last date/time you called/mailed that person to check when she/he will get back to you.

This list could save your butt when someone asks you the status of one of your projects that you have handed on to a colleague some time ago, when you can check your list a tell him that you are waiting for John D. to test it, and you called him 3 days ago to check when he would be done.

The second list, is a list of your achievements, IE

  • What projects you have done.

  • Things you have done to make you and/or your team more productive.

  • Tasks or responsibilities you have done that is not in your job description.

If you have made a presentation or a workshop about GTD and made your team / department more productive, that might lead to a pay raise or a bonus. Once in a while you should re-read your job description if it is long, to check what your company is paying you to do. If you do something extra there is a slim chance that anyone will notice it you don't.

Your boss, department head, might not hear all the great things you do, so keep a list of your great achievements.

All so a very important point, don't be shy... if you have done something great let people know. If you can afford it, buy muffins, a cake or grapes (whatever suits you) and let people know that there is something to celebrate, by sharing.

Best regards,


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