28 November 2008

New productive magazine

Read the very informative interview with David in Productive Magazine

The first issue is free, and you can download it here:

09 June 2008

New book by David Allen

I just saw this on davidco.com!!

A new book by Mr. Allen is announced.

Check it out here:

Making It All Work: Winning at the Game of Work and Business of Life

I can't wait!

15 April 2008

Review of The Black Magician' trioligy Trudi Canavan.

Since I posted last I had the joy of reading the 'The Black Magician' trilogy by Trudi Canavan. It was dearly recommended by a colleague from work. Fortunately he loaned me the books.

"Sonea has just discovered that she can work magic, but she has also accidentally injured one of the Magicians--the enforcers of the city Imardin. With the help of her friends and the assistance of the Thieves Guild, she will escape what she considers a fate worse than death--being inducted into the Magicians Guild"

Besides the Potter series I can hardly remember when I have read such a good fantasy story. The story manly follows Sonea, but also follow a couple of other supporting characters along the way. Trudi does this in fine stile. It doesn't break up the story, in fact it gives more perspective which in tern gives the story more depth.

The trilogy is The Magicians' Guild, The Novice and The High Lord.
Read other reviews and see what other readers say about the book

I can only give this series my warmest recommendations!

10 January 2008

David Allen's Blog

I found a link to this blog from wikepedia.
Cool stuff. It's updated every monday.

David's blog at huffingtonpost


04 January 2008

GTD video


I found this tube with David Allen himself on "Knowledge Work Athletics".
It's from a talk David did at Google last October ('07)

The video is 45 mins!

